The last twenty years produced an explosion of understanding about addiction (substance use disorders) and how our brains enable our most human capacities such as assigning value to pleasure and making decisions based upon that value. This lecture summarizes the most...
Powerlessness Step 1
This lecture focused on understanding the concept of being powerless and our resistance to accepting that concept as a part of our belief system. Looking for the evidence of powerlessness in our addiction as opposed to looking for the evidence of power. What are the...
The Power of Vulnerability
The power of Vulnerability Steps 4 & 5: Brené Brown studies human connection -- our ability to empathize, belong, love are connected to our willingness to be vulnerable and how our efforts to anesthetize our pain and fear of vulnerability numbs the good emotions...
How to make stress your friend
The lecture following discusses how stress and anxiety are only harmful if viewed that way, and how reaching out for support during stressful times releases Oxytocin and how Oxytocin helps change our cardiovascular profile, heals our heart, and changes our health...
ACE Scores; Grief/Trauma
Prior to the lecture following all participants are asked to complete an ACE assessment. The lecture then discusses how childhood trauma sets us up to become vulnerable to a substance use disorder, (SUD). The lecture is designed to help patients understand how the...
Healing your Brain
The lecture following discusses why our brain health is fundamental to the speed and quality of our understanding recovery processes and behaviors. Discussions around how depression and anxiety skew our view of information and drive dysfunctional behaviors that lead...